Judy Hightree Morrison

From the May 30, 2010 reunion bookle

Spouse:  Bill Morrison

Children:  Christi Morgan Janirch, Caleb Morgan, Candace Morgan Frerichs & Cari E. Morgan (Deceased)

Grandchildren: Elise Morgan and Nathaniel (Nate) Morgan

After graduation I married, became a Mother, and divorced in 4 years.  Went to college.  Waitress at Epling's Cafe and the Green Lantern while going to college. Taught school.....all 8 grades.

I moved to Omaha and worked in insurance and dispatched products at Omaha Warehouse for a few years.  I married again and raised my daughter, a stepdaughter and had three more children and kept books and helped run and manage a grading company in Omaha area for 20 years.

Now I have a housing subdivision and am married to a great guy and help raise grandchildren, raise 2 dogs, 2 cats, chickens, ducks, geese and a fairly big garden with lots of flowers.










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